Seven Day Kayak / Canoe Rental

168 hours

Seven Day Kayak / Canoe Rental

Seven Day Rental


Single Kayak (1 Person Occupancy) - $465
Tandem Kayak (2 Person Occupancy) - $535
2-Person Canoe (2 Person Occupancy) - $430
3-Person Canoe (3 Person Occupancy) - $535


168 hours

Flamingo Adventures Activities Booth operates from 8AM to 3:00PM, with the last launch for rentals departing from Flamingo Marina at 3:00PM. ALL Rentals must be returned no later than 168 hours after the originally scheduled launch time. If you are planning on returning after your scheduled time, please inform the Activities Booth attendant, upon return, to book for the additional hours.

November 1 thru March 31, Flamingo Adventures will transport kayaks, and two-person canoes to any trail head on the access road between 9-Mile Pond and Flamingo Marina. There is a $35 fee per vessel.

Note: We DO NOT transport three-person canoes or guests. We do not allow guests to transport kayaks and/or canoes with personal vehicles.

Note:All renters 18 and older MUST show a photo ID upon check-in per Florida law



Things to keep in mind