The Real Haunted Mansion Walking Tour

2 hours

The Real Haunted Mansion Walking Tour

SorrelWeedHouse #Explore the Spooky Streets #HauntedMansion #Darktourism

Estimated: 1.5 - 2 Hours max

About #ghost #stories #paranormal #ghosthunter

Take the only walking ghost tour in Savannah, Ga to investigate one of the top five haunted houses in the United States - the Sorrel Weed House! The time spent on the property will be for 1 hour. You will meet your paranormal guide at the haunted location at the main gate for check-in and then your guide will take you to the main entrance door of the home to do a walkthrough. You will be allowed to wander around select floors and Carriage House on your own for a select amount of time whilst in the property. After you have completed the entire walkthrough of the property, you will be escorted through a few squares heading north to learn about some of the surrounding areas in the city before the tour ends!

Various ghost hunting equipment will be provided such as:
Dowsing Rods
K-2 EMF Meters



Things to keep in mind